How good is your Geography?
* Questions and options are generated and not based of a fixed bank of questions.
* Choose random difficulty or from a fixed difficulty level:
+ Easy
+ Medium
+ Hard
+ Insane
* Choose a mix or from a single category:
+ Countries
+ Cities
+ Islands
+ Rivers
+ Lakes
+ Mountains
+ Waterfalls
* or Choose a very specific type of question E.g.
+ Country Flags
+ Country Maps
+ Country Capitals
+ and many more
* Questions in different formats
+ Multiple choice
+ Match the following
+ Order the following
+ Fill in the blanks
+ Multiple choice with multiple correct options
* Apart from the standard Q&A format different format of questions like Match the following, Order by value.
* Keeps track of statistics Total/Average/Percent for games Score, High Score, Played, Time, Correct
* Adaptive scores based on difficulty of the question (ok this is subjective :-) )
* Achieve different levels and earn power ups
* Use power ups during the game to reduce choices, swap questions, increase answer time, boost score